After much waiting we at last have a treatment plan! Initally the doctors had refered Bill for paliative radiation only, but when we finally got to meet with a radiation oncologist she was amazed at how well he was doing and recommended a much more aggressive treatment. We were very happy to hear it!! As the doctor we were initally refered to is heading off on vacation we were transfered to Dr. Abe Alexander, who incidently was a high school friend of mine. He has spent a lot of time answering our questions and put a rush on the process allowing Bill to begin treatment more quickly then anticipated. Bill is scheduled to begin radiation and chemotherapy later this week. Radiation will take place 5 days a week for 6 weeks in addition to daily chemotherapy for the same 6 weeks followed by monthly chemo for 6 months. We are expecting this to be a challenging time as the radiation apparently causes swelling in the brain making the symptoms worse. I am envisioning something similar to the days immediately post biopsy but hoping that it will not be as severe.
The big fight begins now and we are feeling ready! We know the next few months will difficult but the love and support we are receiving keeps our spirits high.
Thank you again to everyone who has offered help. We appreciate it more than you know. Please keep the healing vibes coming our way. We are convinced they are helping!
The big fight begins now and we are feeling ready! We know the next few months will difficult but the love and support we are receiving keeps our spirits high.
Thank you again to everyone who has offered help. We appreciate it more than you know. Please keep the healing vibes coming our way. We are convinced they are helping!