updated November 2012

We all know that life is unpredictable but on Thursday July 7th we had a big change in plans.
I finished work on June 20th having finished my last shift for the month. I was scheduled for one more shift in the month but gave it away to be able to move.
Just after the move I noticed that I was having a little issue with my vision – it looked like the slightest bit of vertigo. It was enough to know that something was out of whack and totally out of character given that medicals had always been a non-issue.
Maureen made me an appointment for the next day with her GP – a doctor who Maureen regards very highly. In addition to my vertigo, I was having a real problem with math. Now I’ve never been a math genius but I was having trouble adding and subtracting; pretty basic stuff. As the doctor put it, I am a 36 year old, otherwise healthy airline pilot having trouble with some basic math skills. The only link I could make was that I had dropped a piece of furnace ducting on my head earlier in the week when doing some home repairs and the symptoms I demonstrated seemed to be associated.
Wasting no time, our GP suspecting a slow bleed got me into emergency for a CT scan. And what the scan showed was a brain tumour and a good size one. Nothing related to being hit by the duct at all. We are early in the process but next will be more scans that will lead to a biopsy.
I will do my best to keep this blog up to date. So far the tumour is not affecting a lot but one of the things that is being affected is some minor brain function including proofreading! Bear with me.
This is the next chapter in our lives.
Please click here to view the blog for updates.
I finished work on June 20th having finished my last shift for the month. I was scheduled for one more shift in the month but gave it away to be able to move.
Just after the move I noticed that I was having a little issue with my vision – it looked like the slightest bit of vertigo. It was enough to know that something was out of whack and totally out of character given that medicals had always been a non-issue.
Maureen made me an appointment for the next day with her GP – a doctor who Maureen regards very highly. In addition to my vertigo, I was having a real problem with math. Now I’ve never been a math genius but I was having trouble adding and subtracting; pretty basic stuff. As the doctor put it, I am a 36 year old, otherwise healthy airline pilot having trouble with some basic math skills. The only link I could make was that I had dropped a piece of furnace ducting on my head earlier in the week when doing some home repairs and the symptoms I demonstrated seemed to be associated.
Wasting no time, our GP suspecting a slow bleed got me into emergency for a CT scan. And what the scan showed was a brain tumour and a good size one. Nothing related to being hit by the duct at all. We are early in the process but next will be more scans that will lead to a biopsy.
I will do my best to keep this blog up to date. So far the tumour is not affecting a lot but one of the things that is being affected is some minor brain function including proofreading! Bear with me.
This is the next chapter in our lives.
Please click here to view the blog for updates.