It is impossible to fully understand all the emotions and challenges that come with a cancer diagnosis until you live it. I have a new respect and understanding for people who have gone through similar experiences and I know firsthand how important it is to have a support network. I sincerely hope no one else ever has to face this but please know that in the event someone we know does, we will be the first people ready to help.
Bill finishes his 6th round of chemo tonight. Each round seems increasingly difficult and makes him more and more tired but we are hoping he will bounce back again in a week or so. Technically this is the last chemo he is to receive. BC only covers 6 months of chemo for glioblastoma, unlike some of the other provinces which cover 12 months. Dr. McGhie, our main oncologist who has been extremely supportive, is requesting to have Bill’s chemo
treatment extended as he has responded well to treatment showing several months of tumor regression, and most recently a stable MRI.
So, on we go...
Thank you again to all who donated gifts and attended the event on Friday and many many thanks to Allison Benson, Penny Lloyd, Meredith Moll, Ian Gracie, Harbour Air, and Westjet for your work in putting it all together and for your continued support!