Obviously what we’re after is information. So far it is preliminary but Dr. Hentschel was kind enough to call us after the MRI to give us his take. As I mentioned the other day Dr. Hentschel is the Head of Neurosurgery in Victoria and will factor prominently as he and his team determine how they proceed with their attack against this tumor. We are still in the early stages but each piece of information gets us closer to the final treatment plan. Next will be a careful analysis of the MRI followed by the biopsy which should take place around the 25th of July.
So for us this means that we have a lot of work ahead. There is no doubt that this is serious business – brain cancer is tricky and there are a lot of intricate factors playing out. This cancer surrounds a lot of critical parts of the brain and early indications say that it will be a matter of managing the disease as opposed to curing it all together.
Emotionally I would say that I’m in a pretty good place. The support that has been offered by friends and family is unbelievable and we’re going to take the bulls by the horns.